It’s the Little Things
It’s the little things that we do on a daily basis that can have the greatest affect on our experience of life. The priority of feng shui is keeping the central nervous system in balance. What goes on during the course of your day that may disturb your central nervous system? Countless things these days including cell phone messages, unexpected interruptions, deadlines, things breaking, bills, etc. Help yourself by creating a safe, nurturing space to come home to. Begin with the entrance you use to enter your home. If you enter through the garage does it look something like this?
Passing these things on a daily basis, whether you
consciously see them or not, will leave you feeling like you
always have cleaning and ironing to do. Swiffer the floor,
iron the clothes, dust the house . . . Continual reminders
every time you enter your home. Take a look around the
entrance you use to go in and out of your home.
Do you welcome yourself home the way you would like to welcome your guests to your home? Is there room for a small chair or bench at the entrance you use to sit and put your
shoes on or take them off? How about a beautiful picture
on the wall or a colorful plant? Whatever visually says
to you, ” Ahh, I’m home, now I can relax.” Those are the
types of decorations and furnishings you need to place at the entrance way you use.
consciously see them or not, will leave you feeling like you
always have cleaning and ironing to do. Swiffer the floor,
iron the clothes, dust the house . . . Continual reminders
every time you enter your home. Take a look around the
entrance you use to go in and out of your home.
Do you welcome yourself home the way you would like to welcome your guests to your home? Is there room for a small chair or bench at the entrance you use to sit and put your
shoes on or take them off? How about a beautiful picture
on the wall or a colorful plant? Whatever visually says
to you, ” Ahh, I’m home, now I can relax.” Those are the
types of decorations and furnishings you need to place at the entrance way you use.

It’s also important that upon entering the home, you are not bombarded with clutter so that you don’t have to trip over or walk around obstructions in your path. Keep a clear pathway into your home so that the same beauty and peace you encounter at your entrance way will continue as you enter your home. By creating a welcoming entrance for yourself and keeping the way into the house clear, you have taken steps to help keep your central nervous system in balance which in turn will support you in keeping your life in better balance.